API Reference

Read all orders

Fetches all the orders, past and scheduled, ordered by updated_at in descending order. Rate limit: 1/ 5 sec

Loop Order Object

loop_idLoop id of the subscription order.
order_shopify_idShopify id of the subscription order. It will be null if the order is not PAID.
subscription_shopify_idShopify id of the subscription contract.
shopify_order_numberShopify order number. It will be null if the order is not PAID.
customer_shopify_idShopify id of the customer associated with the order.
customerCustomer object associated with the order containing fields such like "shopify_id", "first_name", "last_name", "email".
contact_emailContact email of the customer.
phonePhone number of the customer.
total_priceTotal price charged to the customer when the order is created in Shopify.
billing_dateDate time for when the order was or will be billed.
subtotal_priceSubtotal price of the order when created in Shopify.
total_taxTotal tax charged in the order when created in Shopify.
currency_codeCurrency code associated with the order prices.
total_price_usdTotal price of the order in USD.
total_discountTotal discount amount applied on the order.
total_line_items_priceSum of line items price.
total_shipping_priceShipping charges for the order.
total_shipping_price_currencyCurrency code associated with the shipping price.
idempotency_keyLatest billing attempt idempotency key associated with the order.
is_origin_orderSpecifies whether the order was original order or a recurring order.
shipping_linesShipping lines associated with the order.
shipping_addressShipping address object associated with the order with field like "first_name", "last_name", "phone", "company", "address1", "address2", "city", "zip", "country", "province", "province_code", "country_code".
billing_addressBilling address object associated with the order with fields like "first_name", "last_name", "phone", "company", "address1", "address2", "city", "zip", "country", "province", "province_code", "country_code".
tax_linesTax lines object associated with the order.
shopify_created_atDate time when the order was created on Shopify.
shopify_processed_atDate time when the order was processed on Shopify.
shopify_updated_atDate time when the order was updated on Shopify.
discount_codesThe discount codes associated with the order when created in Shopify.
noteThe note associated with the order when created in Shopify.
note_attributesThe note attributes object associated with the order when created in Shopify.
cart_tokenThe cart token of the order if it is placed through Shopify checkout.
tagsThe tags associated with the order when created in Shopify.
total_weightThe total weight of the items in the order when created in Shopify.
line_itemsLine item object associated with the order when created in Shopify. Described in the below table.
billing_attempt_shopify_idShopify id of the billing attempt associated with the order when it is processed.
billing_attempt_error_messageError message provided by Shopify when the billing attempt associated with the order fails.
billing_attempt_error_codeError code provided by Shopify when the billing attempt associated with the order fails.
created_atDate time when the subscription was created.
updated_atDate time when the subscription was updated.

Order line items description

line_shopify_idShopify id for the line.
product_shopify_idShopify id for the product associated with the line.
variant_shopify_idShopify id for the variant associated with the line.
product_titleTitle of the product associated with the line.
variant_titleTitle of the variant associated with the line.
nameName of the line combining product_title and variant_title.
priceFinal amount charged to the customer per unit for the product associated with the line.
currency_codeCurrency code associated with the prices on the line
discount_allocationsThe discount allocations on the line.
price_setThe price set as received from Shopify.
skuSKU associated with the product of the line.
quantityQuantity of the product variant associated with the line.
gramsWeight of the product variant in grams.
gift_cardgift card associated with the line.
product_existsSpecifies whether the product exists or not.
vendorVendor of the product variant associated with the line.
tax_linesTax lines associated with line.
dutiesDuties as applicable on the line
taxableSpecifies whether the line is taxable or not.
requires_shippingSpecifies whether the line requires shipping or not.
created_atDate time when the subscription was created.
updated_atDate time when the subscription was updated.


These docs are for a deprecated API version. Visit here to refer the latest API docs.

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