Fetches all the orders, past and scheduled, ordered by updated_at in descending order. Rate limit: 1/ 5 sec
Loop Order Object
Field | Description |
loop_id | Loop id of the subscription order. |
order_shopify_id | Shopify id of the subscription order. It will be null if the order is not PAID. |
subscription_shopify_id | Shopify id of the subscription contract. |
shopify_order_number | Shopify order number. It will be null if the order is not PAID. |
customer_shopify_id | Shopify id of the customer associated with the order. |
customer | Customer object associated with the order containing fields such like "shopify_id", "first_name", "last_name", "email". |
contact_email | Contact email of the customer. |
phone | Phone number of the customer. |
status | Order status (UNPROCESSED, SKIPPED, PAID, FAILED) |
total_price | Total price charged to the customer when the order is created in Shopify. |
billing_date | Date time for when the order was or will be billed. |
subtotal_price | Subtotal price of the order when created in Shopify. |
total_tax | Total tax charged in the order when created in Shopify. |
currency_code | Currency code associated with the order prices. |
total_price_usd | Total price of the order in USD. |
total_discount | Total discount amount applied on the order. |
total_line_items_price | Sum of line items price. |
total_shipping_price | Shipping charges for the order. |
total_shipping_price_currency | Currency code associated with the shipping price. |
idempotency_key | Latest billing attempt idempotency key associated with the order. |
is_origin_order | Specifies whether the order was original order or a recurring order. |
shipping_lines | Shipping lines associated with the order. |
shipping_address | Shipping address object associated with the order with field like "first_name", "last_name", "phone", "company", "address1", "address2", "city", "zip", "country", "province", "province_code", "country_code". |
billing_address | Billing address object associated with the order with fields like "first_name", "last_name", "phone", "company", "address1", "address2", "city", "zip", "country", "province", "province_code", "country_code". |
tax_lines | Tax lines object associated with the order. |
shopify_created_at | Date time when the order was created on Shopify. |
shopify_processed_at | Date time when the order was processed on Shopify. |
shopify_updated_at | Date time when the order was updated on Shopify. |
discount_codes | The discount codes associated with the order when created in Shopify. |
note | The note associated with the order when created in Shopify. |
note_attributes | The note attributes object associated with the order when created in Shopify. |
cart_token | The cart token of the order if it is placed through Shopify checkout. |
tags | The tags associated with the order when created in Shopify. |
total_weight | The total weight of the items in the order when created in Shopify. |
line_items | Line item object associated with the order when created in Shopify. Described in the below table. |
billing_attempt_shopify_id | Shopify id of the billing attempt associated with the order when it is processed. |
billing_attempt_error_message | Error message provided by Shopify when the billing attempt associated with the order fails. |
billing_attempt_error_code | Error code provided by Shopify when the billing attempt associated with the order fails. |
created_at | Date time when the subscription was created. |
updated_at | Date time when the subscription was updated. |
Order line items description
Field | Description |
line_shopify_id | Shopify id for the line. |
product_shopify_id | Shopify id for the product associated with the line. |
variant_shopify_id | Shopify id for the variant associated with the line. |
product_title | Title of the product associated with the line. |
variant_title | Title of the variant associated with the line. |
name | Name of the line combining product_title and variant_title. |
price | Final amount charged to the customer per unit for the product associated with the line. |
currency_code | Currency code associated with the prices on the line |
discount_allocations | The discount allocations on the line. |
price_set | The price set as received from Shopify. |
sku | SKU associated with the product of the line. |
quantity | Quantity of the product variant associated with the line. |
grams | Weight of the product variant in grams. |
gift_card | gift card associated with the line. |
product_exists | Specifies whether the product exists or not. |
vendor | Vendor of the product variant associated with the line. |
tax_lines | Tax lines associated with line. |
duties | Duties as applicable on the line |
taxable | Specifies whether the line is taxable or not. |
requires_shipping | Specifies whether the line requires shipping or not. |
created_at | Date time when the subscription was created. |
updated_at | Date time when the subscription was updated. |
These docs are for a deprecated API version. Visit here to refer the latest API docs.